December Update
What I’m learning
We found out a couple weeks ago that the new baby coming in April is… a boy!
Everyone we have shared this news with is excited—celebrating with us the joy of new life, and beginning to imagine with us what this new little person will be like.
I’ve noticed, however, that almost every person that has heard the news has immediately asked something like, “Were you hoping for a girl?” Of course, since we already have a boy, this is a common and natural response.
What’s struck me, though, is that I’ve had a difficult time answering the question. On one hand, yes: the idea of having a girl, being a girl-dad, seeing what sort of person a Sadie-plus-David-plus-female combination creates—puts a huge smile on my face.
On the other hand, before we had Charlie I remember “wanting” a girl. But then that little nugget came out of the womb. I heard him cry; saw his tiny naked body. I held him for the first time. After that, I could no longer imagine Charlie as anything other than who he is, personality, private parts, and all.
A lot of the reading I’ve been doing in preparation for seminary is deepening my perspective on the human person. Every life, every soul, is some profound, mysterious combination of mind, body, spirit, hopes, fears, dreams, personality traits, quirks, on, and on and on. Sex and gender are just one part. One beautiful and profound part, but just one part of all that makes up a person.
So as we make preparations to welcome this new child into our home and into our hearts, I find myself not “wishing” he would have been a girl, but simply waiting and wondering and marveling in anticipation of building a relationship with this new soul.
What about you? If you’re a parent, how did you process the news when your children were coming into the world?
“Within us the dust of the earth and the breath of heaven are joined in a mysterious union.”
–Gire, Ken. Windows of the Soul
Prayer Request
For the January in-person week-long class I am supposed to prayerfully consider my “current state of soul” and bring on the first day of class an “object” that represents and answers the question: how is it with your soul?
Would you pray along with me? Not necessarily that I would find the perfect object, but that God would speak gently and clearly as it relates to this question.
And what about you? How is it with your soul? If you have the time, consider sending me a photo of an object that represents your current state of soul.
November’s Prayer Request Update: Last month you prayed that God would provide a host home for the week-long January intensive class in Hamilton. God has provided! I am going to be staying in an apartment owned by a member of a church in Hamilton where a local ABQ pastor (that I’ve never met) used to be on staff! A connection of a connection of a connection. What a gift!
Financial Update
I am currently raising funds for projected one-time expenses for the January intensive term and the Spring semester. The campaign goal is $2,040 and covers fees, books, and travel costs for the January intensive class.
In November $1,312 was given toward this campaign, and one new monthly Direct Partner joined the Financial Team!
Gearing up for Christmas at home. Charlie is currently obsessed with balls and so we pray, “Lead us not into temptation…”
Book Club
Book Club Round 1 is underway! It is running December 1st through January 8. There are 8 people participating this round!
We are reading Dallas Willard’s Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God which is one of the required readings for my first class, Spiritual Formation for Ministry Leaders.
"Good things we have set our hearts on become real only as we choose them.”
—Dallas Willard
There is still room in the book club! If you are available to meet online January 8, 3-4:30pm MT and interested, let me know.