October Update, Fully Funded!
I wanted to take a minute and let you know that God brought together my Financial Support Team in just four days!! I have been blown away by your response to last week’s email, God’s provision and your support.
In just four days I received pledges from 5 individuals or families that they will support me at $75/mo to start seminary this spring.
In addition to the financial support, many of you have decided to become part of the Seminary Support Circle by praying and/or joining the Book Club. I am beyond grateful to be “going to” seminary with so many of you. :)
What to expect from here
Moving forward I will be sending updates more or less on a monthly basis. If you would like to be added to the email newsletter, please click here. These updates could include
What I’m learning (quotes, excerpts from essay assignments, etc.)
Prayer requests
Financial updates and/or one-time giving opportunities
Information about upcoming Book Club events
It might look something like this…
What I’m learning
Many of you know this, but I recently got to study for and preach a sermon around the question, What does shopping have to do with our life with God? (Watch it here) The preparation was challenging and took a lot out of me, but what I learned along the way has continued to stay with me over the last couple of weeks.
Here is quote from Stanley Hauerwas that I included in the sermon:
“The vulnerability of our bodies tempts us to deny that our bodies are the real “us.” The real us, we think, must be the inward us. I may have, for example, many possessions, but they are not the real me. The real me is the “me” constituted by my “inner being. But Jesus will not let us engage in fantasy: “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” ...We think we can be something other than what we do and own, but Jesus challenges that assumption.”
Prayer Requests
Charlie’s first Balloon Fiesta
In preparation for seminary, I am reevaluating my schedule and commitments. I am specifically planning to place my side business, Context, on an indefinite hold. Pray for me as I try to plan, then implement new rhythms and a new schedule, that I will be able to make appropriate time for work at Refuge, seminary, and family.
Financial Update
Recent Front Porch Show gathering 7 performers and about 40 friends and family to enjoy a fall evening
I am thrilled that all 5 donors have stepped up and in to support me to go to seminary this spring! There will be some one-time expenses coming as well. I plan to create a budget in the next couple of months and then make any further needs known to you.
In addition and with a desire to be fully transparent: I am doing seminary part-time so that I can stay in my role at Refuge Church and prioritize time with our growing family. But because of this, the seminary journey will most likely be a 5-year journey.
I would like to provide opportunities for current committed donors to step out or take a break, possibly on an annual basis. If you are not one of the five $75/mo donors, but know you would be interested in becoming one in the future (perhaps for 2024), please let me know!
Book Club
Registration for the Spring 2023 semester opens up November 1. At that point I will begin to make selection(s) for classes, then be in touch with more Book Club details. Stay tuned!